Talking about our work at the Rollins College Student Resource Center, Florida, USA

Posts tagged ‘applications’


n173300200_30410831_8867.jpgI may sound a bit cynical here, but I didn’t like the Smarthinking website. I didn’t take away any information that I didn’t receive at the tutor training sessions. Yeah, it probably solidified some of the ideas we went over, but I didn’t see much more there. Reading through other peoples’ posts, I realized that everyone found it to be useful, or at least that’s how the blogs sounded. I don’t know if this is genuine, or if they felt an obligation to enter a hyperbolic state because it was an “assignment” and they’ll be “graded” on it. Again, I could be a cynic, but possibly, too, earnest enough to say how I really feel about the website. (more…)