Talking about our work at the Rollins College Student Resource Center, Florida, USA

Journal #2


One of the primary traits for ESTPs is that they like things to be very straightforward and aren’t into metaphors or complicated rhetoric. This makes a lot of sense to me when I think about specific teachers that I have liked and disliked. It is much easier for me to learn from a teacher who explains information in the easiest way possible, instead of one who dilutes information with academic catch words and metaphors. I can get varied annoyed at teachers who always need to take a roundabout way of explaining assignments and concepts.

Another trait about ESTPs is that they like to quickly move from one task to the other. This makes sense for me because even when I have a large assignment I tend to break it into small parts and do them all one by one. I can also see this in myself during tutoring appointments because I prefer helping people study for tests when we move quickly from one concept to the next rather than dwelling on the same paper for an hour.

One interesting thing the test says about ESTPs is, “The ESTP gets bored with classes in which they feel they gain no useful material which can be used to get things done”. I definitely agree with this. If I don’t find a class inherently interesting or don’t think it will be practically useful I have a very hard time putting in effort and really caring about the class. I see this in a lot of clients I tutor who don’t really care for the class. It can be very difficult to try to help these students because even if they want to do well, they don’t care about the material as much as is necessary for success.

The whole idea of “getting things done” is very central to the way I view the world. I hate when I see people just doing things and thinking about things but not enacting real world changes. It is interesting that this test touches on theory because I am taking a class right now that deals with theory and I have often had this same frustration with it. Some of the smartest people in the world just sit around thinking and don’t actually do anything to improve the world. I think this is a waste of time.

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