Talking about our work at the Rollins College Student Resource Center, Florida, USA

Ryan Webb — ISTJ

Two words sum up my MyType personality test on Facebook, dead on. I am an Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging person with heavy influences in the Introverted and Sensing categories. While there were a few facets of the description that were not completely true about me an overwhelming majority of them were undeniably true (sometimes about things I wasn’t even sure about).

In terms of my tutoring at TJs the description states that I “am extremely dependable on following through with things that I have promised” which is very true in all of my tutoring sessions. Each time someone schedules and appointment with me I feel the need to come through and teach them the correct material, I feel it is an implicit promise that I made to them by being there as a tutor. The fact that I am an econ tutor makes sense to me because it states that I am logical and much of econ is logic based.

My test taking ability is also reflected in my score. It states that I do not accept concepts that seem foreign to me until I have a thorough understanding of the concept. This reinforces my thought that I hate being tested on taking a concept and manipulating it until it applies to the test question, I much prefer to know the material down without needing to do mental gymnastics.

In terms of my relationships with other students it states that I enjoy working alone. On projects that is usually true but I have found through my tutor sessions this semester that whenever I have trouble with a question on a particular concept it has been very beneficial to work with the client to solve the problem together. I disagree with the fact that it states that as an ISTJ I feel that I am always right, I know I have the ability to make mistakes and often times I do get things wrong.

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